Sunday, October 30, 2005

just because

well hi, I'm at home again, posting again. No reason really, just because. I look slightly mummylike, with my hand all wrapped up like this. Chris is being weird, lol, he won't say anything but I know he's there. Anywho, Audrey thought I was mad at her earlier... Weird. I'm just rather confused right now. Lol, but that's normal. My family keeps saying I'm dopey because I'm on medecine, but I havn't had any medicine since last night. I got this whole bottle of pain medecine but I havn't used it at all. I really hope it starts hurting soon, if it doesn't then it's probably third degree burns so all the feeling is burned off and I'm in big trouble. Ugh.
Anywho, it hurt like anything last night so it doesn't make sense. Oh well, a lot of things don't make sense now. "Be happy because every minute you're unhappy is sixty seconds of life waisted" I keep thinking that, with everything that happens. I have a truckload of homework I have to get done tomorrow so I guess I should turn in. Night
Hi there, ok so here's what's been going on.
1. Homework, tons of homework. Blah.
2. Cleaning the yard.
3. Burning my hand
lol, the three main things. I will start.
Friday was cleaning day, we cleaned the yard like crazy and it's looking tons better, we finally quit around 7 p.m. Saturday I got up around 9:30, and started working around 11, I got mad at Rachael and James because they weren't listening to me so I went to work on something else, I noticed that the fire had been out since last night and there was some metal stuff that needed to come out of the fire. I reached in and grabbed a chair leg, (left hand) and amazingly, lol, it was still hot. Like really really hot. I burned most of my plam and three fingers. So I went to the doc and she gave me some stuff. i'm feeling better now.
Oh nice... i jut found out my best friend has somethin that I didn't know about and she knew I didn't know about it... oh, she didn't want me to get sad because she talks about her other friends. Got it. I wouldn't get sad about that. I moreso get sad that she didn't tell me, and she knew she didn't tell me. And all the junk that going on in her life. Now I'm depressed so i'm going to go. Later

Sunday, October 23, 2005

10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Food: chicken alfreado pizza
Favorite Band/Singer: anything really, relientK, Jump5, tobyMac, etc.
Favorite Song:right now it's "Feels like falling" or "Ultimate"
Favorite Movie: The Phantom of the Opera
Favorite TV show: The Amazing race
Favorite Sport: basketball, cheerleading if it counts.
Favorite Season: fall
Favorite Day Of the Week: saturday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Superman
Favorite Time of Day: nighttime
9 Currents...
Current Mood: blah
Current Taste: that taste I get when I'm sick and didn't brush my teeth last night. Lol
Current Clothes: black athletic pants, blue shorts (under pants), white socks, bluee shirt, orange hoodie
Current Desktop Picture: it's like... hills...
Current Toenail Color: black
Current Time: 4:15 P.M.
Current Surroundings: At the computer, my house surrounding me. :-p
Current Annoyance(s): my stuffy nose:-p
Current Thought: wondering what my friend is going to tell me...
8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Kelsey Faulkner
First Kiss: no kiss yet
First Screen Name: Coralendinia
First Pet: kitten, Frisky
First Piercing: ears when I was 13
First Crush: umm... I think it was Jonathan
First Car: I don't have a car.
7 Lasts...
Last Drink: orange juice
Last Car Ride: home from my grandparent's house
Last Kiss: I kissed Tikvah this morning:-p
Last Movie Seen: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Last Phone Call: To me would have been Mark, from me would have been... Mark. Lol
Last CD Played: The phantom of the Opera soundtrack
6 Have You Evers....
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: no, but if I was allowed to date I would have.
Have You Ever Broken the Law: umm... Probably at some time or other.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: yeah, by my brother. Lol
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: in the bathtub:-p
Have You Ever Been on TV: dunno
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: kind of.. There was a girl at camp like four years ago and she had pajama pants on that said "kiss me" so I kissed them... Stupid me. Lol, I can't believe I did that.
5 Things....
5 Things You're Wearing: I won't list the things I listed earlier... I'll say I'm wearing... A bracelet, headphones, nail polish, umm.. Pants and shirt. Lol
5 Things You've Done Today: went the church, ate lunch, blew my nose, smiled, posted on here and it god deleted.
5 Things You Can Hear Right Now: the dryer running, keyboard clicking, myself breathing, silence, the computers running
5 Things You Can't Live Without: God. Family. Friends. Writing. Music.
5 Things You Do When You're Bored: get online, call someone, play games, read, listen to music
4 Places You've Been: Indiana, new York, Vermont, Canada
3 People You Can Tell Anything To: Audrey, Mark, Chris
2 Choices...
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: cold
Hey. I'm posting for the simple reason that I like the way it looks and sounds when i type at the grandparent's house. I have a yucky cold, but I still went to church today. I wore Ruth's shoes, (and her pants, actually, but I pretty much consider them to be my pants, since I'm really the only one who wears them) and they're like five inches tall. Lol. I took them off as soon as I got here.
I'm... Kind of in the middle of being excited to be going to practice tomorrow, and dreading the fact that I have about a million homework things I have to get doneby tomorrow, and I'm stuck. It's debate, as normal. Lol. I am... Bored. Definately bored. I am going to right now, to waist time I could be doing homework in. Actually I couldn't be doing homework, I don't have it with me. But I didn't think that, duh, we'd be going to the grandparents haver church and I ususally like to have something to do here, such as practice my snare.. I very much love it. Hehe.
Why is it that when I post, I always post very long posts? Probably because I havn't bee posting in a long time so when I do I feel the need to catch up with everything that's been going on. Tonight there's a missionary from someplace in Africa doing a presentation, I dunno if I'm going to go or not, because it would be interesting and all, but I'm already pretty tired from going to church and being at the grandparent's today, and I don't want to get so worn out that I can't go to practice tomorrow. I think right now I'll find some music for Mark... he's worried that he doesn't have enough songs so I'm finding them for him. "Them" being some more songs and junk. OR I could just play a game... haha, out of the choices, I'm leaning towards the games.
Last night i tried on my cheerleading uniform again, it is sooo perfect. After we get the bodyliner things, it'll be great. I tried it on with a long sleeved shirt with a neck on it and it looked really good, but it did make me look fat. A little bit. It could have been just me because I'm feeling especially fat these days, or the mirror could have been warped or something, or it could have been that the shirt was bigger than the ones we'll actually have, or it could be I really am fat. :-p i don't like that thought, and I really have been trying to work out more, it's just my family loves chocolate chip cookies, candy, sweets, junk food, all that, so of course I love it too, so when it's around and I'm hungry it's kinda hard not to eat it:-p
Anywho, I think I'm going to go now, since this post is already pretty long. I just love typing here! Oh. There's a person I don't like who just signed onto msn... Oh well, he never talks to me so I don't have to talk to him! hah. Really going now. laters!

Saturday, October 22, 2005


hey, lots of things have been going on. First, I started snare last monday, it's awesome. Then life pretty much just went... I lost my debate quiz that I already took and am supposed to turn in... WAS supposed to turn in on tuesday, and I said can I give it to you on thursday? and she said yeah, and then I thought I found it but really it was something else.
Some of the cheerleaders are being idiots, we got these great new uniforms (not homemade like last year) and they freaked out about how it was so bad and blah blah. But I'm not going to be mad about that anymore. If they don't like them, tough. And now I'm sick. My throat started to hurt last night, but I figured... I dunno what I figured, but then it didn't hurt anymore, so:-p
I had the craziest dream. I need to start another blog with my dreams in it. Anywho, I was on the amazing race, I have no clue who I was with but it was the family edition, and I was doing REALLY good. Then we got to this thing, it was a machine thing and you had to listen to it and figure something out, lol, and I was stuck on it forEVER, so finally I see Rachael (who's on a different team) and she helps me some, then someone else dumps their shoes because they can't run in them (heals) and I say "oh I'll take these, Audrey loves them!" so then I try to put them on but obviousely I can't run in them any better than the other person can, so they go in my bad or something. Then I see my dad (who's just there, I don't know why) and he's talking to someone, and I say "Dad!.... Ethan!" and this other guy, a teenager who's like in charge of the machines and looks exactly like the person on the movie I watched ysterday, he turns around and he's like "what?" and I go "ETHAN!" and he goes "WHAT?!" and I ignor him and yell "ethan lanz!!" and my dad gets all mad at me and says JUST A MINUTE! because he's talking, but seriousely it's a race and we don't have time for him to stop and talk. Lol, then I woke up. Crazy dream.
Anywho, my throat hurts like anything, but I don't want to be sick! I have to go to church and get notes and blah, and I'm tired of not going, and I HAVE to go to practice on monday! I refuse to skip! I WILL be better by then! Argh. I have tons of homework that I don't know how to do and it's bothering me. I with I could just not do the stinkin debate. I'm eating ice.. my thoat hurts sooo much! *cries* nothing else is wrong though, my nose is a little stuffy but that's it. Oh no dip, I know what I have. Liz Davey didn't look too well on thursday practice and she was sneezing and stuff, bet she had something and I got it. Not positive but I bet that's what happened. Anywho, this is a stupid post so I'm going to leave it. Laters

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Ok, I said I wasn't going to post here anymore, but why not? Lol, I'm just gonna start again at the current time, not gonna try to go back and tell everything that has happened. Last night I had a bunch of dreams, it was weird. First there was this one where mom got an ear piercing kit, and she did Tikvah (who is three, by family rules she has to wait another ten years before she can get her ears pierced. Lol) then mom cleaned MINE and I'm like "why are you doing that?" and she goes "why do you think?" so I'm like, ok, I'm getting mine done for a third time. Cool." Then Rachael goes to do hers, lol, (2nd) but it breaks and we're not allowed to do it. Lol. Very weird. I know I had more but I can't remember them which stinks because they were very interesting.
Anywho, today is saturday and I've just been sitting around on my butt all day doing nothing, I would go out and run, but James is in the bath using up all the hot water so I wouldn't be able to get a shower when I got back so it'd be gross.
Rachael, Ruth, Dad, and Aaron are at the game today, parking cars and then watching the game so they won't be home forever, I wanna go shopping. I'm such a freak.
Jon's the one who kinda talked me into doing this again, but I'll state my rules: No bad language, and no being gross. I reserve the right to add to these rules at any time. I've been to blogs where the language and stuff is just aweful and I don't like it. Anywho, I guess I'll go now. Nothing to do, but I'm gonna go because there's not a lot more to type. Ethan hasn't been emailing me, and I can't get ahold of Mark on his [hone, and Audrey has been busy, and Chris is acting like he doesn't want to talk to me. So I'll go be in my alone-nes. Laters