Monday, February 18, 2008

V day

I said the other night that I would post, but I didn't. So now I will.

Valentine's Day:
Ok, so we always do this family party thing on Valentine's Day. We make heart shaped pizza, make goofy stories out of conversation hearts, and just hang out. The girls often times spend too much time on themselves, this year being no exception.
This year, we had practices on Valentine's Day, so we had to observe it three days late, on Sunday. The day started out like any normal Sunday. I got up, took a shower, got ready for church. Went to church, home, figured out what I was wearing, spent more time on myself than is normal, (as did Rachael, by the way) and headed off to pick up John.
When Dad, Rachael, John, and myself arrived at Sarah's, Mom, Ruth, James, and Tikvah were already there. Grandma pulled in a few minutes after we did, and Erik was there soon enough.
John, Erik, Tikvah, Caspian, and Zephan had a balloon battle for a while, then we did pizzas and all that. After the festivities were over, we played DDR.
There was a sort of joke type deal with me and John and purple, so I got him a purple shirt at Goodwill and gave it to him. To my extreme surprise, he put it on and wore it back to school! That was pretty spectacular of him. =)
Didn't get home until about 11:30, and I'd have to say that I had an incredible time. I did cause John to not get his homework done because we kept him too long... That made me feel kinda bad. I also feel as if I owe Tracie a 'thank-you,' because John usually hangs out with her on Sundays.
Anywho. Those are my random thoughts for today. Have a great day!

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Loyal Readers...

(do I have any of those?)

I feel the need to inform you of the big change that happened to recently in my life. I am no longer living at 1325 N. Kickapoo Rd, Attica, IN 47918. I am now the confused resident of 4424 McCarty Lane, Lafayette, IN 47905.

I'll explain.

My family had been talking about moving for years, and the kids always said "yeah, right. We've been talking forever, we're never going to do it." Then the idea of renting came into place, and we still thought nothing was going to happen. Little did we know that our parents were going to look at a house. They looked at the house Saturday night, signed the lease on Monday afternoon, and we moved in on Wednesday. The plan was to move in on Saturday, but because of bad weather the date got moved up. A couple heroes came and helped us for about 12 hours, and a few others came and helped for like 6. Right now our home is a total mess... We didn't get everything moved, just the stuff we needed here. I went home yesterday and finished (the van didn't get up the hill, so they were right in moving the date) getting my stuff (posters, etc.) so I'm totally moved in now. It's really weird....

I'll explain why we're living in a rental...

We wanted to move to Lafayette, and we needed to sell our house before we could buy a new one in town. We couldn't sell our house because we were in it and it was messy. So we're living in the rental so we can clean our house, sell it, and use the money to buy a good house in Lafayette.

I think I like it... People can kinda come over whenever they feel like it, it's pretty much awesome... I'm just bored... Like, Idk. I'm bored. Lol. I want people to come over because it's so boring here! I might go clean something....

The end.