Thursday, February 22, 2007


When do you finally give up on old dreams? I say you don't. They're old, because you've had them for so long.

Monday, February 19, 2007


I have a secret and I let it out. I let it out to someone I normally wouldn't, but he was the only person not in school today... Was that a mistake? Probably. I'll let y'all in the the secret if it falls through.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

As happens every Valentine's Day, we make stupid stories out of conversations hearts... I guess we make conversations.

M: I love you.
W: Perfect!
M: My baby, dear one, call me.
W: You are kind, lover boy.
M: My love, one kiss. Real love.
W: You are a tiger!
M:Get real! My love, my baby.
W: Love me.
M: I love you. Love of gold. Let's kiss.
W: Bear hug!
M: Be good! Real love.
W: *Smile*
M: Love her.
W: Love me?! Love HIM!
M: Got love?
W: Love of gold.
M: Magic.

Other than that, I wore this amazing dress and that's about all that happened. I'll put the link for my photobucket up here sometime so y'all can see.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

JV boys

JV boys just beat this HUGE team! Like the players were monsterous! Lol, I love watching the JV boys play. They're amazing.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Show songs

It took me over an hour, but I played all the show songs from memory!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


If someone gives you homework, WRITE IT DOWN so you don't forget!!! It's kinda embarassing to love your teacher and always want to do everything right... and then forget that you even had any homework... Yep, that was me. Lol. Preston gave us four songs to learn last week and I totally forgot to do any of them. So that was bad, but I went home and learned all of them after practice so I think I'm good. I know for sure Ah Ca Ira and Black Bear, Huntington and Stillman's Reel are kinda "i'm pretty sure I have them" so it's cool. I actually just went through and played the whole show by memory and it seemed good. Even though I won't be playing, I guess it's still good to know.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Happiness Box

I've started a happiness box. Basically I have 20 pennies and a box, I take a penny away if I'm sad, and I put a penny in if I'm happy. I started with 10 in. Took three out, just because there was a lot of stupid stuff going on, but then I realized that I have a big brother I didn't even know about. I was real upset so he called me at 12:30 and let me cry, which was really sweet.
On to other topics, the whole drum major bit isn't going to last long. Mark loves it, I like it... But when I went back to the drumline today, I just grinned. Like I couldn't stop, I loved being back there. So congrats, Mark=P You're gonna have the title soon.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Tornados Varsity girls beat the Trailblazers!!! Yes, they beat us by about 20 points a month and a half ago, but when they came to our house we took the game by 8. That was very exciting. Just figured I'd tell y'all that.