Tuesday, February 28, 2006

no fun subject. lol

yay! a site that's not blocked! Lol, I'm at my dad's work after co op. We got destroyed in debate, I was totally unsure about our case because we just got it done yesterday. Oh well, I guess I'll just... try again or something. I think we get to be negative for Chris and Sam in a few weeks so it should be... interesting.
This morning I woke up late, got ready, and left. I grabbed some instant oatmeal on the way out and I thought that would be fine... it wasn't, by the time drama got over I was starving. lol, so anywho... Debate was pretty boring, i was like falling asleep because I hated their case and I hated the arguments about the case. it was just... blah. it's like, there are soooo many more arguments you can make on caps that unconstitutionality. It's dumb. Lol.
Then in drama Quinton and I kept saying evil things to each other.... lol, I guess it's kinda an ongoing joking thing with us now. It's pretty funny sometimes. Then I ate lunch and went up to advanced debate. Where we got killed and I got told my cross X was terrible... Which it was. Grrrrrr. That's like, my worst one ever.
Anywho, after advanced debate I helped Sally put the rooms back together then dad still wasn't there so i called and was like "hey, dad, this is Hannah... Are you gonna come pick me up?" and he's like "pik you up.... OH! Yes! I'll be right over!" LOL it was just really funny 'cause he totally forgot he was supposed to pick me up. So now I'm at Lafayette Life eating ice and listening to music on my mp3 player. It's decently entertaining. Now I'm gonna go and read my dad's daily calender... it's got Dilbert on it =D

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Hey, so we had a tournement today, regionals. We lost the first game, people were off and the refs were like... "There to make sure the other team won" is what coach said, but oh well. We had fun, we went to pizza king and had a party and now we're at grandparents house waiting for Mr. Miller to come pick up Jordan and Sonny who were playing with james today.
I skipped out on cheerleading today... BAD bad me, I almost feel guiltyO.O Anywho, I gg. Seey'all later!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

the many games of.. since whenever I last wrote. lol

wow, it's been a really long time since I've written. Mostly all that's happened is basketball. Boys played kash eagles recently, eagles were 2 points ahead and Justin got fouled on a three pointer, so he made two of his shots and went into overtime, where we lost. It was still like uber uber exciting game. Lol... I might have already told about it earlier.. oh well. Girls went to a Danville Invitational Tournement and won first place, beating two other teams who weren't very good... Lol, but we got a neat trophy. Breanna made the all tournement team (which I guess just means she was about the best player) and Becky made MVP of all the teams, so that was really cool. Then last night Varsity girls and guys played Faith Christian School (I think... Lol) Girls won, then guys were three points down with 4 seconds left, and Justin actually MADE a three pointer in the last split seconds of the game, lol, so they went into over time a won, making Justin a legend among the cheerleaders. (however, I at least understand that he couldn't have done that w/out everyone else making the other points. I can't speak for anyone else though) I didn't cheer that whole game b/c my throat hurt so much, then he went and did that and I screamed. lol.
After the games we did a Sr. thing, Justin Miley, Steven Haurez, Andrew Lee, Ben Sebald, Barkley Wilson, Katy Gray, and Rachael Lanz are all graduating, which is really sad. I almost cried. Then we went and ate cake and Ben Hobbes stuck around for ages. Lol, it was interesting. We finally left at like 11:00 *dies* then I didn't get up today until really really really late.
Today I'm going to watch womens figure skating which mom so nicely recorded for me=) Then I think I'm going to talk to Nathanael about our case... We'll see what we can do with it. We tried changing it but we don't know if it will work so.
I'm trying to decide what I should do... Saturday doubles a boy's tournemeny in Danville and a girls tournement in Indy. I want to go to the girls tourney but Idk if I should ditch the cheerleaders since Idk if I'm even technically on Varsity girls or if I'm just a JV who's allowed to sit with them... Hmm. Anywho, I think I have to decide by tomorrow so. Seeyas

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Wow, I thought the christmas parade was cold... At least we were DOING something the whole time. We went and did our movie thing w/ fife and drum. It was ok, we left here at around 5:30 (yes, A.M.) and got to fort wayne about 9:00. Where I freaked out because I thought we had another half hour and I was dressed like I was supposed to be... Bad me. Lol, oh well, I got dressed fast and we still sat around for an hour after that.
We went up the the fort, very sorry looking, I'm sad to say, and did this funeral procession first. We only had to do it one time to that was cool. Then we sat around (or rather stood around in the background) for about two hours while they did their other scenes... It was then that I realized what a nobody movie it was. I think it was a community thing, like they just make this stuff, Idk why. Lol, but finally we did a little parade thing which wasn't very good b/c we couldn't hear a thing Aaron said so Lorne and I just played 7 stroke rolls and some flams then figured out what the song was. It was bad, then he called a song we didn't remember so it was way insane. Lol.
Preston left his house at 8:00, lucky, and got there before we started shooting. I knew we didn't have to leave as early as we did. Anywho, he also didn't get into costume, he just stood around in his hoodie and jeans, and tried to make us laugh when we weren't supposed to, and gave us very funny looks when we played that song we didn't know.
After that we left and went to pizza hut b/c we were all starving. I guess Terry didn't realize that almost everyone got the salad bar which came w/ pizza, so he got 4 pizzas for like 7 people. Needless to say there was much leftover.

Apparently at home, with church, everyone was done with church at like 10:30 and done with lunch at the grandparent's house at like 12:30, lol. Then Tikvah and Mom and Ruth went and saw Curious George movie thing.

Movie gets done next March, it's called Machilimakinac (or something like that, it's pronounced like "mah-shill-ee-ma-kin-ak") If we're lucky we'll be able to get a copy and watch. Idk if that'll happen though. Gg clean my room and junk. Someone did the dishes for me though, which was uber nice:-D laters

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I find five minutes an interesting time. rachael said I sat around for at least 5 mintues today, I said I sat around for at most. What say your mom says you're going to leave in about five mintues? Come 15 mintues later you might actually go, or perhaps you have five mintues until you have to get off the computer and two minutes later you get in trouble for still being on... Unless you think you've only been on for two mintues but really you've been on for a long time. now, as if you really needed to know my thoughts on five minutes... Enjoy.
P.S. I also believe seven minutes round up to ten mintues. It doesn't matter if it makes sense, 7 round up. Lol

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

No defined subject... Lol

Been a long time since I posted:-p
Here are the highlights of my week, I'll try not to go into excruciating detail.
Mr. Riggle: Honnah! Go get dressed!
Me: ...why?
Mr. Riggle: Yes! Go get dressed!
Me: why?
Mr. Riggle: Becuase you're good!
Me: ... I was supposed to go to a party...:-/
Mr. Riggle: Oh, well go ahead to your party.
Me: Oh... I can go with Rachael.
I run and tell Melissa that I'm not getting a ride to the party with her as planned. On my way back, Isaac says "you suiting up?"
So I say "yeah" and run and make record time changing BACK into my gross basketball stuff. This was after I played up intil about 4 minutes left in the fourth quarter when I got my fourth foul... Lol, during the JV girls game. We should have SO beat them but we didn't, they pulled way ahead (like 8 points or something, ugh) So I went into the bathroom, vented, changed, then went out and had that whole... Thing happen. Lol, so I sat with Varsity, went in for possibly two minutes, I think about one and a half towards the end of the game so it was ok. I really like Mr. Riggle's coaching this year, it's great. Anywho... We won that game by like 30 points so it was nice, the girls on the team were like foul queens though, that's why I got so many fouls and I got mad at them:-p At one point there was this girl pushing me around so I pushed her out with my rear end (which is legal for any of you who don't know basketball) and she got really mad at me and yelled. Lol, it was really quite funny.
After the games we (Rachael and I) changed and headed over to Kelissa's going away party where we made a scrapbook page for her and junst hung out. We played a game where if you said "like" you had to spin in a circe ten times then walk in a straight line. Needless to say, people were spinning for a long time until the game kinda died. We designated the bathroom as "like zone" where you could say "like" and not have to spin. Lol. We finally went to "bed" as it were, (sleeping bags on the floor) where we all talked for another hour before finally trying to go to sleep. Poor Adelaid's phone rang and it was Abe, but she didn't answer it because it was supposed to be off. Then it rang again and she thought it was him and her mom had had her baby so she answered the phone. Apparently it was some lady calling for a guy who used to work for Mr. Riggle, but it wasn't his number anymore. So Addy told her that and she said she thought she was lying, so Addy's like "no, I'm not lying" so all of us around her started laughing because we still thought it was Abe. Well then the lady said she was gonna call the cops. So Addy got real scared and called her dad, he said don't worry, just give me her number. Then the lady called again and said the cops were tracking her phone so she got really scared, like crying scared, but we told her what were the cops gonna do to an 11 year old for having a phone? Lol, really. So we finally got to sleep around 2, maybe 2:30 and got up around 7:30. We sat around, ate donuts, got our stuff together, got dressed, then went out and did some stuff with the guys (kyler had his party too). Kelissa had a stupid bear that sang.. "it's that teeny weeny itty bitty thing they call the love bug... something something little kiss and a hug, with that little bitty teeny weeny thing they call the love bug!" and it was so stinking annoying, seriousely we were about to kill it. Anywho, we then went to the Leers where we watched TV, took showers, and sleapt. This goes right into...
Saturday: more games, we had to cheer and the people were being pretty... Idk what word to use, they were like "oh, cheerleaders " lol, anywho, we lost both games pretty bad because we were playing this the best homeschool team around.
Sunday: went to church, helped with some booklet things for Mr. Sebald to take to Africa with him, had lunch, and went home. I don't remember what I did after that, I think the dishes.
Monday: school, chores, got online at 3:00 and talked to Nathanael for a while, (ok, like an hour and a half. Lol, we were so out of things to say:-p) then got ready to go to fife and drum. We didn't leave til way late because James' food didn't get ready, ugh, but we still got there before Preston so that was good. It was a decent practice, we worked mostly on our solo. Poor Michael still can't read music. :-p After that we went to the library.
Tuesday: school, chores, worked on cleaning my room. Had to run the dishwasher twice with nothing in it to try to get it clean. Then we left like twenty minutes late for basketball practice which made me really mad, we were waiting around for mom to get ready, it that funny or what? Anywho, we were only about ten minutes late for the early practice, which as normal was killer. Then we went over to JV practice which was, as normal, killer from a different angle. Early practice is killer physically. JV practice is killer emotionally. lol, there are people there who just really get on my nerves. :-p After practice we came home and did my dad's birthday. He got Wallace and Gromit movie and the Legend of Zorro, which I feel bad about because today I asked if he was going to keep it and he said yes, why? and I said because I thought he might think it was morally reprehensible, which is something he says about the Notebook. Well people laughed and everything but I always feel bad when I make a crack like that. Dunno why.
Wednsday: School, chores, then went to grandparent's house to do his birthday again... Lol, it wasn't much of a deal last night, today it was. So anywho, we had food, sat around, talked for a while, then came home. I'm not watching Anasasia. I was watching Zorro a little while ago but decided I really wasn't in the mood for an action/adventure movie. Heh. So anywho, that's it. Without going into way too much detail I'm still talking forever. lol, seeya later. I'll try to post more normally so I don't have to post so long:-p
