Tuesday, May 31, 2005

lazy day...

nothing's happening today. i havn't written since... friday. audge and i lay in the middle of the road at grandparent's house. LOL it was really... warm. lol. after that... her mom came and got her and i spent a couple more hours at grandparent's house, then dad picked me up and we went home for a while then went to adam doerr's open house. it was the most fun i've had in a large group of people in a loooooong time. we played badmitten like... all the time i was there, except i talked to anna and alissa for a long time too. that was really cool, i havn't been able to hang out with them since cheerleading got over. i also got to see a guy person i didn't know if i liked or didn't. lol. before the open house though, i tried on my dress and put a rip in it with my shoes. i was sooo upset. but i went to peggy's on saturday and fixed it so. sunday i got john davey's new cd, it's really good. on sunday mom and sarah also went through hundreds of old pictures:-p. yesterday (monday) we had a parade at 12 w/ fife and drum, we march too slow and got left behind, then terry thought we were supposed to get off the parade earlier than we were so we only did like half of it so i was a little ticked but oh well. mark got his hair cut... i havn't decided if i like it or not. today i'm just trying to kill time so it can be tomorrow so i can kill time so it can be thursday so i can kill time til it's thursday night and i get to go to alissa's. lol. i'm thinking about going on a bike ride soon... i'll probably burn myself again. lol. it's kind of annoying though... all john's songs are stuck in my head:-p oh yeah, after the parade yesterday we had lunch with grandparent's and fam at columbian park and i saw a kid, steve that i met on thursday so that was kinda cool. after we ate we took the little kids to play for a while then mom, ruth, sarah, rachael, tikvah, caspian and i went to the mall while aaron, james and dad went home. i didn't know mom didn't have any money to give me, lol. but we went and rachael forgot regular shoes so she had to wear ruth's broken one's til we could find enough money so by some flip flops. lol. mom was looking for a prom dress she could wear for her wedding anniversary party thing, she found a couple she really liked but couldn't find one the right size, (she was looking for a prom dress because they're on clearence now) so rachael found one, it's green and it's got beads, it's really really pretty. it makes me a little sad, lol, i spent hours and hours and hours making mine so i could have something special to wear and then she just went out and bought one it 10 minutes. lol. i think ruth's gonna try and make one... i think she wants pink. but anywho, after the mall we came home to find no supper because james assumed we would eat popcorn for supper... then we went to the attica theater and saw madagascar. it wasn't something i'll want to see a lot but it was really funny one time. lol. i think i'll go off on that bike ride now, for being a lazy day i sure have written a lot. lol. laters

Friday, May 27, 2005

at grandparent's house with audrey, tackling evil blenders. lol. did the play again last night (forgot to write about the first time... lol) it went ok. most poeple didn't notice when we goofed. lol. then audrey came home with we and we stayed up til 3 watching the notebook. lol. and audrey cried. *tries to think of all the stuff i haven't said* we're (or mostly audrey's) talking to kori online right now and waiting for lunch because our frozen hot chocolate from the evil blender wasn't too filling. lol. can't think of anything else to write so i'm gonna go now i guess. audrey loves you! later:-p

Sunday, May 08, 2005

mother's day

hey. didn't do much today, went to church, came home, had lunch, gave mom her presents then watched tv for a long time. lol. i think i'm gonna go now actually... maybe i'll write about the play some time but i just dont feel like it. i was looking for a place where i could do a real play in indiana but there aren't any, you have to live in chicago or california to do anything. *sigh* i really really really want to e an actress, like professional actress. a lot. i'm going to. i just dont know when. but i will. i know it. i'll work my tail off and all that stuff but i really really want to do it. i want to do a civic play too. like first, do lots of civic plays then go on to auditions in chicago then move to california and try for the big time. yeah. i gg. bye

Saturday, May 07, 2005


hey there. dont feel all that talkative today so i wont write about the play, i'll write about that later i guess. i'm just gonna get off now and... call audrey. yeah. ttyl

Friday, May 06, 2005


the play's today!!! i just know i'm going to forget lines or something, i got this bag with stuff in it that i'll need, like face stuff and lotion and gum for getting jitters out. lol. i really am not that nervous it's just... i dunno.
last night sunshiners took all at share the fun, christina doerr won musical curtain act with her cowboy thing, it was sooooo cute. then unknown challenge and is the train coming won too. it was neat. right now i'm sitting here, on the fireplace typing this. it's like 12:30 and we're supposed to leave in like an hour to go shopping before the play. i'm gonna get my ears pierced again i hope:-D that'll be neat and stuff so. mother's day is on sunday and i got mom the notebook, it's a really really really good movie. last night becky was telling me about this movie, "johnny english" and it sounds soooooooo funny. lol. i'm also waiting for my clothes to get done drying... i need them. lol. ok now i'm talking to chris... he says he hasn't gotten a message from me yet and that's not normal. lol. that's cute.
now he not talking. lol. ick... i was drinking chocolate milk and now i feel all sick.
i'm working on my dress for 4-H but i needed some nail polish that matched it so i could fix the zipper... lol, so kori had some that almost matches so i think i'll use it and go back to peggy's soon... i would ask mom but she's a grouch today. like majorly, every little thing anyone (especially me) says she's like rooooooooowr! :-p i dunno what i'm gonna do.... clean my room? no... can do that. not enough organization skills working right now... lol. i would watch a movie but i think we're leaving soon. *sigh* ok well... i wrote "wello" lol. i like that i think. ok i guess i'm gonna go now so i'll write more later if i get home in time and if not i'll write tomorrow saying how the play was. (why do i always write like that? i'm writing to myself basically so why so i say i'll write later? lol.) seeya

Beauty (lol)


the play's today!!! i just know i'm going to forget lines or something, i got this bag with stuff in it that i'll need, like face stuff and lotion and gum for getting jitters out. lol. i really am not that nervous it's just... i dunno.
last night sunshiners took all at share the fun, christina doerr won musical curtain act with her cowboy thing, it was sooooo cute. then unknown challenge and is the train coming won too. it was neat. right now i'm sitting here, on the fireplace typing this. it's like 12:30 and we're supposed to leave in like an hour to go shopping before the play. i'm gonna get my ears pierced again i hope:-D that'll be neat and stuff so. mother's day is on sunday and i got mom the notebook, it's a really really really good movie. last night becky was telling me about this movie, "johnny english" and it sounds soooooooo funny. lol. i'm also waiting for my clothes to get done drying... i need them. lol. ok now i'm talking to chris... he says he hasn't gotten a message from me yet and that's not normal. lol. that's cute.
now he not talking. lol. ick... i was drinking chocolate milk and now i feel all sick.
i'm working on my dress for 4-H but i needed some nail polish that matched it so i could fix the zipper... lol, so kori had some that almost matches so i think i'll use it and go back to peggy's soon... i would ask mom but she's a grouch today. like majorly, every little thing anyone (especially me) says she's like rooooooooowr! :-p i dunno what i'm gonna do.... clean my room? no... can do that. not enough organization skills working right now... lol. i would watch a movie but i think we're leaving soon. *sigh* ok well... i wrote "wello" lol. i like that i think. ok i guess i'm gonna go now so i'll write more later if i get home in time and if not i'll write tomorrow saying how the play was. (why do i always write like that? i'm writing to myself basically so why so i say i'll write later? lol.) seeya


Thursday, May 05, 2005

first blog

first blog i've ever had... lol, kori said i should get one and sent me here so here i am and i dunno what to write about... got area share the fun tonight, gonna pick up becky at first assembly at 4:30 so 2 hours. i already got all my stuff together and everything. tomorrow i have my play *dies* and like no one knows all their lines. i know most of mine so i'll be ok but only if everyone else gets their's right. lol. huh... on msn it says "mom" has just signed in... i wonder who mom is? oh it's my aunt niki. oh yeah i was gonna go see who plays nicky on the great muppet caper. no wait, i had a blog before, it was really really cool, like you could put on how you're feeling and stuff it was really cool... wish i could remember what site that was at. oh gg play a game w/ james. i'll write later.