Wednesday, March 29, 2006

happy days!

Yay! I finally got on! It took like, ten minutes for this page to load. Weird. Anywho, what's happened recently: I've been biking! I felt like a lump because basketball's over and I wasn't doing anything, so on Monday and today (Wednsday) I biked to Attica and back with Rachael. Today James came along too. We had really crummy bikes and got a flat so it was interesting.
Fife and drum got cancelled on monday, which stunk. But I watched part of a movie... Cinderella Man I think, didn't finish it. I did see a movie, it was ElizabethTown, and besides like three bad words (really bad ones though, so they could get their rating or something, totally unnecesary) and a couple other things it was amazingly good. Though it had a dumb ending. Orlando Bloom just might be able to act. Lol
We had a debate on tuesday, that was fun. Me and Nathanael vs. Chris and Sam. What a round! Lol, we pulled a counterplan in the 2N, they said we couldn't do that, which totally freaked us out, but we said we could and they accepted it so that was very fortunate. I am going to look into it and see which way is actually true. Anyways, it was a fun round. I had an awesome cross X so I was happy=)
Before the debate, I was in the room and I looked out the window (something I rarely ever do) and saw... AUDREY!!! She was on Spring Break and came to see me and kidnap me! Muahaha! Lol, I saw her and I was like "oh my! Oh MY!" and everyone else in the room was like "... oh my... I guess..." it was funny, but so I ran downstairs and found her. That totally made my day. Then she kidnapped me and took me to the mall, where we looked for a swimming suit for her. She ended up finding a pretty cute one, not anything I would wear, but it was good on her. While we were there (the mall) these three guys were walking by with a phone and it totally looked like they were taking a picture of us, so I'm like "they're taking a picture of us!" and she's like "what??" and I'm like "it sure looked like that to me!" and then this guy was like following us and trying to talk to us but we just ignored him, though I was wondering what he wanted, and later found so was Audrey, but anyways, he finally said "why are you ignoring me!" and left. It was interesting. Got lots more, but it'll have to wait. Seeya'll laters!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ag Days

Hello, people... Yesterday and today was Ag Days at the fairgrounds. Basically I wander around trying to make sure little 4th grade kids stay where they're supposed to be and get some free cookies. Yesterday was fine... normal, then today Ben Hobbes came around to visit us (which was nice) and Ruth fell on nothing and smashed her knee. (so any drama people who read this, that's what happened to her)
After that got over (finally) Rachael and I walked to Lafayette Life and dad gave us keys and we sat around in the van, the to the dollar store. Anyone know that nice black guy who works there? He worked at the library at night, too. It's interesting. Anywho, the guy who was doing the pigs at ag day was adorable. Lol (sorry guy's, just posting my thoughts. Lol) his name was Kyle, saw that on the nametag. He said he ate pig food when he was little, lol. I thought that was really funny.
Now we're home, I was tapping my foot and mom told me to stop kicking her chair, and I said I wasn't kicking the chair, and she sais "well stop whatever you're doing" and not two seconds after she finished her sentence (I had stopped) she turned around and slapped my leg. So now I'm really ticked. Anyways, anyone who reads this probably thinks I'm mad all the time. I'm really not. =P
Share-the-Fun is all confusing b/c Rachael was going to do something with Andrew but I thought I was doing something with Rachael and so now they're trying to figure something out that we can all do... as if. I was going to do something by myself but I would need to know how to play the guitar and since I don't know how to do that it's sort of impossible, lol. I'magonna go now, seey'all laters=)

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Ok, so I havn't posted in forever. Sorry. I'll start with... Friday. The cheerleader sleepover thing, Melissa, Alissa, Keely, Rachael, Anna Katie and myself all went to my grandparents at around 7 and played around with hemp for a long time, then we just hung around... Anna had to leave at like 10:30 an then Melissa and Keely totally clicked out and went into the room and were talking trash about Alissa, Idk why, but anyways. Then we watched this dumb movie at around midnight, lol, then we tried to watch that thing you do but we all fell asleep. I was gone really early, then Rach and Alissa and Katie went to sleep. Melissa and Keely did not. They were up until 7:00 A.M, woke everyone up at around 5:00 because they were screaming, Alissa and Katie didn't get back to sleep. I did, and apparently they took pictures of me and were talking to me and I was so gone I didn't even wake up. Lol. Then the next morning here's kinda what happened, everyone got up at about 8:00, and Mel and Keely stayed in their room thing, so we all kinda just hung out for a while, then later on Alissa went into the room and they I guess told her to leave, so she did and then later Alissa and I went in there and they were like "can you guys please get out of here?" and that just like... broke me and I was like "No, we won't! This is not your room, you can't tell us to get out of it. I'll me in here if I want to." then I got my stuff and did leave (because I didn't want to be in there:-p) so then I felt really bad, Alissa thanked me, and everyone got along... It was weird. Then we sat around for a long time and finally got started doing stuff around 11. We had an emergency (no bobby pins!!! Lol) so we went to the dollar store and we were all crazy, we were singing and waving at everyone. We got back, I did my hair in like five minutes, lol, and then I did some other people, then we got lunch, messed around, did make up and all, watched another movie, lol, fianlly got our dresses on and stood around outside for a while waiting for our ride. Got to the baquet, stood around, mingled, people played piano and Luke Mishler played his saxophone, that was interesting. Andrew is like the best pianist I've ever met (though I havn't met that many. Lol) then we went down and ate and mingled, then they started the program. It was pretty normal, tons shorter than last year but not as personal. I still liked it. Anywho, I did the normal, cheerleader stuff, JV basketball, then Mr. Riggle kinda surprised me by having Abby and myself go up w/ the Varsity girls to get our trophies for the tournement. That was really cool, then everything else and clean up and all. My "look" for the banquet had a name, we called it "Egyptian Goddess". It was going to be "Arabian Princess" but princesses are over rated. lol, I'll get a pic up here if I can.
Anywho, we talked to Andrew and...that other boy who I can't remember talking to because I'm tired... Lol, until we left at around 9, went to grandparent's and cleaned up from the party for an hour and finally went home... When I went to bed I crashed. Then I did NOT want to get up for church today... Or for ANYTHING. Lol, but I did and went, it was in a different building b/c that church's pastor wasn't there so Mr. Sebald preached there and all of our church went and joined them, it was good, and then we had lunch there and I hung out with the Becky and looked at pictures and met the most adorable chihuahua puppy ever! Lol then we played cards w/ everyone, then spit and played hearts it was me, Aaron, Becky and this guy named Jake and Ben hung around and watched. it was really very fun. hehe. Anywho, Mom, Ruth and Rachael are in Chicago today for a cheerleader coach thing and James and Dad and I are in charge of Tikvah. She's been pretty good all day so it's good. Anywho, now I guess I'll go... Seeya'll later, home I didn't forget anything, I'm gonna go read Andrew's blog. He's in a posting contest or something so he posted tons since I looked at it before =P Love ya'll!


Saturday, March 04, 2006

last game

Hey, yesterday was the last Tornados game of the season. They lost the first game of the tournement, but not by as much as we thought they would. After the game we went to Denny's to eat. Then we all watched as Dan, Nick, and Abram tried to get something out of one of those claw machines. They never did get anything but they loaded about ten dollars into it!
After we left Denny's we got in the van and Tikvah watched arthur with headphone, and we watched Fantastic Four, which I didn't especially like or dislike.
Finally we got home and I couldn't get to sleep until like 3:00 then woke up ever hald hour/fifteen minutes coughing, it was soooo miserable. Anywho, at the game all the cheerleaders were off... It was really weird. I think Tornado girls don't work in that gym. Lol. Anywho, I'm gonna go. Laters