Wednesday, March 28, 2007


If you asked me last year how I was, I would have told you I would be terrible tomorrow. That was because last year when I was really happy for a few days, I would, without a doubt, be very sad the next day. I don't know if that applies anymore, though. I had two really great days in a row. Nothing especially amazing happened yesterday... I won a CD off the radio, that was cool, but other then that, nothing really happened.
Today amazing things happened. I cleaned my grandparents' house for three hours and got payed 15 dollars (which was amazing), then I got to see Audrey (which was amazing) and go to John's bridge (which was amazing) to take pictures (which turned out to be amazing) for the cover of John's book that Audrey's working on (which will be amazing). Lol, so then I got home and I'm online talking to people, which is amazing, because I'm talking to amazing people=D
I don't see an end in sight, because tomorrow I get to go to the library or park for all day, which will be (yeah, you guessed it!) amazing.

Other than that, here's something y'all might not know. I sometimes think my parents are trying to ruin me. They confuse me very much. They don't let me do some things which seem... Like they would be normal things, like they freak if I see a friend at the library or something, but when I'm on the phone until two in the morning normally, and all night once (fell asleep, didn't even know I was on the phone.) to a person they don't even really know, all I get is a 10:30 curfew. Whaaaaaaat?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Agony of reality

What do you do when all your life turns upside down?
When your happiness disappears with the blink of an eye?
When you have to take what made you happiest and kill it?
Why can you have a day of pure joy,
That is immediately destroyed by the agony of reality?
Why can you be scared of tomorrow,
Scared of yesterday
But in this moment, you're happy?
The moment will pass.
The moment will leave.
You'll be left with nothing but empty memories.
You'll be left saying "why did that happen?"
"Why was this given to me only to be taken back?"
This life is so fleeting.
It's gone so fast.
Moments are what make it seem long.
That moment wherein you felt like dieing.
That moment wherein you felt like flying.
The little moments.
The little things in life that make such a difference.
The things that are inconsequential now,
Are the same things that you'll look back on and say,
"Those were the good times."
It's the people who wander in and out of life,
That make it worth living.
From that girl you met at the grocery store checkout,
To the man you spent half your life with.
To your own Mom.
The little things.
The people you so often take for granted.
When you wake up and find them gone,
What do you do?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I'm having a hard time deciding what to write about today. I have two topics, both important or unimportant, depending on your view. My head and my heart have been having an argument pretty much all day, and they decided to battle it out in my tummy... There's one. The other one you would probably find much more interesting.
What's wrong with people? Specifically people on myspace, who "friend" musicians. Then they comment them. There are three kinds of comments you can leave a musician or band on myspace. There's the "I hate you" kind, which you don't see often at all, then there's the "I love you!" kind which is there all the time, and finally there's the "Hey *insert name here*, what's up?!!" kind which is there about as much as the "I love you!" kind.
Now really, do people expect this person or group to actually read all of these, and if they do, do you think they really care all that much? Sure they care if you love them or hate them, but how many bands are going to read that you commented them and said "Hey, what's up?!!" -or worse, "Hiiii wuts up?!!!"- and actually reply. If they did reply, what would you want them to say? "Oh everything is wonderful, I have more money than you, I have more friends, people love me, and you are really insignificant" which might actually be truthful, but it might hurt your feelings, so they might reply with something like "Oh everything is wonderful. The tour is great, and we're only on it because of the support of people like you. We are thankful for each and every one of our fans and wanted to personally thank you for supporting our group." Which may also be true, but it sounds like a suck up.
Another thing on that same topic, why be friends with two hundred bands? I don't think I understand that at all. Do you really listen to all two hundred bands enough that the small shortcut you get from going to "view all friends" and finding them is really worth anything?
This may all seem quite negative, but that's sort of the general feel right now on this subject.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Imagine the best feeling you've ever had. Now imagine the best day you've ever had. Not put them together. Do you understand how I feel?

Friday, March 09, 2007


Oh goodness, I never know what to write about when I don't post forever...
Basketball tournament: We placed third out of 5 teams, stayed where we were ranked so it wasn't bad but it wasn't as good as we expected, either. It was still pretty fun, and an awesome time with my team who I love=)
Freezer Jam: Here's one. Man, I wrote a whole report on it before Basically the first half stunk hardcore, but it got better, and turned out to be great. I suppose if you want to know more about this long story, you can call me and I'll let you in on the details.
Those are the really big things, I guess big events that have happened. The basketball/cheerleading season will be officially over tomorrow. Other than that, I was finally able to forgive a person who I have cried over for a year. I made one of the best friends around, and I figured out that the stuff I stress over really has no impact on life. Who cares if my shoes don't match my shirt, or if I don't get all my school done early? I'm sure no one else does. The things that really matter are family, friends, God. The relationships you have in life are what shape your future. Sure, the other things count for something... Maybe around 10%.