Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

As happens every Valentine's Day, we make stupid stories out of conversations hearts... I guess we make conversations.

M: I love you.
W: Perfect!
M: My baby, dear one, call me.
W: You are kind, lover boy.
M: My love, one kiss. Real love.
W: You are a tiger!
M:Get real! My love, my baby.
W: Love me.
M: I love you. Love of gold. Let's kiss.
W: Bear hug!
M: Be good! Real love.
W: *Smile*
M: Love her.
W: Love me?! Love HIM!
M: Got love?
W: Love of gold.
M: Magic.

Other than that, I wore this amazing dress and that's about all that happened. I'll put the link for my photobucket up here sometime so y'all can see.


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