Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Another interesting thing...

Another interesting thing happened to me today. Will I forever say "interesting thing" when I mean "I got in a car wreck"? Yep. I was on my way from Lafayette Life (where my dad works) and I went to McDonald's and got some pie for breakfast, then something around 9:45 or 10:00 I was on 52 turning left onto Main Street. Well I apparently looked at the wrong light (because it really is a very confusing intersection.) and went when I didn't actually have the green. So I was almost out of my turn and I saw that this car was coming full speed at me and not slowing down, so I did the thing that I always do, and every book around will tell you not to do. I slowed down. So the back passenger side door got smashed, but other than that absetively nothing happened. I guess my dad saw that something was wrong with the guy's truck, but I didn't see it. Still went to debate class, because I wanted to get on with life. If I had just gone home or something I would have sat around for a long time and probably wouldn't start driving again for at least a week. Of course I was alone, driving by myself for like... The third time ever. Plus I'd never tried that turn by myself, I've only ever even been there one time before. The cop was weird, too. Like his words were nice but his tone was unkind=P
So that was my adventure today. How many other people get in two accidents in under six months? I have to be very careful now, if I get a ticket or another accident (hope that never happens again. Ever.) then I get my license taken and I have to go back to permit which would totally stink. Until the end of March, I'm a bit scared to do any driving. Even though my dad had me drive around all over the place today...


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