Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hi there, ok so here's what's been going on.
1. Homework, tons of homework. Blah.
2. Cleaning the yard.
3. Burning my hand
lol, the three main things. I will start.
Friday was cleaning day, we cleaned the yard like crazy and it's looking tons better, we finally quit around 7 p.m. Saturday I got up around 9:30, and started working around 11, I got mad at Rachael and James because they weren't listening to me so I went to work on something else, I noticed that the fire had been out since last night and there was some metal stuff that needed to come out of the fire. I reached in and grabbed a chair leg, (left hand) and amazingly, lol, it was still hot. Like really really hot. I burned most of my plam and three fingers. So I went to the doc and she gave me some stuff. i'm feeling better now.
Oh nice... i jut found out my best friend has somethin that I didn't know about and she knew I didn't know about it... oh, she didn't want me to get sad because she talks about her other friends. Got it. I wouldn't get sad about that. I moreso get sad that she didn't tell me, and she knew she didn't tell me. And all the junk that going on in her life. Now I'm depressed so i'm going to go. Later


Blogger Leslie said...

i actually only told one person before i told you, and he was begging me.. so don't be sad =)

Tuesday, 01 November, 2005  

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