Saturday, September 10, 2005


Hey there. So yesterday was... interesting. Lol. I got up at 7:30, took a shower, got a really cool outfit together, then decided to just wear a t-shirt. Lol, then I woekred on school until about 11, when i came out and did chores, then we left so mom could go to a meeting w/ the other cheerleading coach. The rest of us went to wal mart, I tried on a real cute shirt but it was too thin and you could see right through it so I coudln't get it. *sigh* Oh well.

Next we went to McDonald's (mom still at her meeting, Rach drove) and got lunch, and there was a really creepy guy there. Uber scary. lol. He was old, and he just had coffee, and he kept looking at us. I was way creeped out and wanted to leave but we never did until Mom called:-p.

Then we went to Meijer. I wandered around, looking at their clothes that were 75% off... There's a reason they're 75% off. Lol, They're all ugly. Anyways, then I went and looked at the shoes, but there were belts on huge sale right by them, so I got a green one and an orange one for $6.00 total so I was happy. I also saw Melissa there and we looked around and had fun :)

Wal Mart (a different wal mart, before we were at the west side wal mart. Now we're at the super wal mart.) was the next stop. We got there, and I didn't know I was supposed to watch Tikvah, so I went to use the restroom, and I got yelled at because I was supposed to watch tikvah, and we were late and something else... So that was blah.

We drove about half an hour to the Riggle's house, where they were having an all coaches meeting. Meaning all the coaches went, and all their kids. I went mostly so Alissa woudln't have to be there by herself, and at first I was having a terrible time, because I didn't feel good, but then Becky came and sat with Breanna, Alissa and me, and Savannah and Mag came and sat around where we were, and they were all talking and it was cool. Then we played volley ball, I am sooooooo bad at that, I mean if I was playing with people who knew as little as I did, it would have been fine, lol, but I was kind of an extra on the team anyways (guys 6, girls 7) so. They got tired of that, and went to look for a kid they were supposed to watch.... Lol. So Alissa and I went out to the rec barn, which lookes nothing like a barn. It's wall papered, and really cool. Alissa and I played air hockey (I won first but we just kept going and in the end I think she won) then went back in the house, ate some more food, and talked with Becky, Rachael (who got there late, b/c she went to a fife and drum thing) Breanna, and Abby (riggle, who's... "almost 13" lol) so that was neat. Over all, I had the best time. It was sooo cool. I was really scared at first because I don't like large groups, and there were tons of people there, but I uneded up having a great time w/ breanna and Alissa and Becky most of the time, though she did other stuff too:)

Finally, we were inside and I was telling Alissa about the cheerleading uniforms, and I saw that mom and Mrs. Held were looking at them, so I showed Alissa the pic, and they said they might change their mind, so we got into a HUGE discussion about what skirt we liked better, mrs. held went home and got Anna's skirt to show us, Alissa "modeled" it, lol, even the dad got in on this! Even Ben! Lol, it was crazy! We liked the ones with three pleats better, we liked the looks better, but we also liked this one with 8 pleats, (also box instead of knife) so we finally asked Ruthie Sebald, and she said she like dthe 8 pleat one so we just said ok, lets get that one. Lol. So I felt kind of bad, because I started the whole thing and made this huge debate, then ended up getting my way. I would have been fine with the three pleat skirt but we were worried we woudln't be able to move. So... yeah. Then we went home.

Got home at around 11, had to put groceries away (so I was up doing stuff after I'm normally in bed. lol) and finally I got to bed at midnight, which was crazy, then I slept till 10:30. Since it's Saturday I allowed myself to sleep. Hehe. Tomorrow I'll be back to normal, getting up at 7:30.

Did I mention that I hate school? Okay. Just making sure. My writing is ok, but constitutional law is HARD. I can't understand it. Sarah said it's really not a freshman class, so i shoudln't feel bad about it. She took it like when she was a sophomore or something and it was hard for her then. Anywho, I have an email to look at and a funny fan fiction to read, so I'll sign off now. So until probably tomorrow,


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