Saturday, September 10, 2005

stupid life

life stinks! eat, sleep, school, friends, computer, cards, eat, school, music, depression, people not being friends who you think are, people having fun without you (why would I be upset about that? because I'm not having fun. That's why. I'm so selfish! I refuse to be jealous!) why am i always depressed? im so stupid. five friends, ok? five friends, that's why. audrey. chris. alissa. shara. mark. five. count them, you can use the fingers on one hand. ok, so i have other friends, but i can't tell them things. these are the only people i can tell things to. these are the only people i was stupid enough to let into my life. lol. the only people i let in, and gave opportunity to hurt me. i guess that's me. i chose good people. i hope. no, i know. im such an ape. ugh. i wish i had a life. i went and bought belts yesterday. im so stupid. i wanted something so i bought belts. why am i so misunderstood?! yesterday, mr. sebald is like "hannah, what do you think? you're so quite, what's your oppinion?" i'd been giving my stupid oppinion for an hour! i lost my notebook. i cant find it, and i miss it. and i need to knowwho has it. im going to wallow in the stupidity of the teenage life. that sounds like a relientk song.:-p gone.


Blogger diannanicole said...

hi! it's dianna! whats up! i have a blog too, its well yeah. do you have aim? or yahoo messenger? if you do we can talk. by the way i love relient k. umm yeah so email me back!

Saturday, 10 September, 2005  

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