Sunday, September 11, 2005


Hey there. Today I went to church then to the grandparent's house (that's where I am now) for pizza. Grandma made some bread and it was reeeeally good so I ate too much and I'm stuffed. :-p
I wanna talk to people online, but here there's no aol here, so I have to be on msn and there's no one on. I know a couple people should be on aol, but sadly not me. :-p oh, there's my cousin... hi Dori....
Yeah. So last night I spent like four hours making a CD with my favorite songs on it, and I don't know if I like it. like the songs I chose I know i love but I also like hearing the other ones so. And on this one song it messed up a huge amount so blah. Anywho, I talked to a cool girl, Dianna, she commented on my blog somewhere. lol. Found her from her Jump5 website so.
*talks to cousin....* *chews on necklace... I shoudln't do that. I had a necklace once and Ichewed on it so much it broke. oh well, this one was like three dollars, it'snot that big a deal if it breaks:-p Oh they have Oceans Eleven on TV tonight... maybe I'll watch it... Maybe not. lol. It's a good movie. Anywho, I really havn't got anything to say, so I'm gonna sign off. Laters:)


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