Sunday, December 25, 2005


5:00 A.M. Woke up
6:00 A.M woke mom and dad up and did stockings!
7:20 A.M. shower, junk, got dressed, all that.
9:00 A.M. went to church
9:40 A.M. got to church, people weren't there yet to we went and got gas then went back and helped set up and junk
11:30 A.M. church got over, we talked and put chairs up and all that fun stuff
12:00 P.M. went home
*picutures in here, sitting around, changing*
1:30 P.M. Lunch
2:00 P.M. started presents
5:30 P.M. got done, did stuff.

Merry Christmas!

What did I get in my stocking... Hair straightener, which I asked for, didn't expect to get in in my stocking though:-p
some makeup, hair stuff, candy, chapstick, ornement, lotion, that's al I remember right now

Normal stuff... an MP3 Player, awesome:-D, headphones which I'll prolly exchange for the kind I especially wanted (mom and dad), a Repunzel Barbie with an awesome bed/throne, lol, (grandparents) a Cookie Monster T-Shirt and some kahki pants (Tyler's), a monkey CD case, "girls of grace" devotional book, and orange hat (Ruth), some little... Things for my room:-p (Rachael) James gave me 5 hours of his time... Internesting:-p Tikvah's I opened yesterday with my pj's (purple with monkeys and leaves and a green tank top that's too small... Lol), it was this awesome little bracelet thing. Way cool.

Now: Bed! I'm beat! Lol, dad and I worked on my mp3 player for a long time trying to figure out how it worked, finally we got it to work so I've been listening to it a lot since then, but right now I'm listening to the Phantom of the Opera. Night


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