Thursday, December 22, 2005

Hi there, it's the 22nd. What's happened. Yesterday I was dropped at the mall for three hours, it was kinda cool but moreso scary. Lol, I went into Spencer's to look at the lights, but I left pretty quick because it's scary in there. I didn't like it at all.
I wandered around for a real long time looking for Ruth's present, finally I found something and bought it, then went to Inside Scoop and got some candy, then to Hallmark to waste time looking at cards, then on away to random stores. I saw a couple families from co op, wandered, finally got picked up by mom. Went to the grandparent's house and hung around for another three hours... Dad came, stayed there with Tikvah who had fallen asleep and we went home with Aaron.
When we got home we did our chores, watched a movie, got online for a little and went to bed. So that's what's been going on, today I have basketball practice and tomorrow we're going to Peggy's for... Something. Lol, ttyl


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