Wednesday, December 14, 2005

This week

I havn't posted in a long time... Sinde friday. Ok, so friday night the games got cancelled and we went to see narnia, which was amazing. Saturday we... umm... stayed home, I studied, sunday was church then we went to Ruth's choir thing, saw Mallory and Reed there so that was cool I guess. Then on monday we had fife and drum, which was WAY helpfull, lol, tuesday was co op, which I was way tired for, the final test. I totally blew on stock issues and probably a coule other questions. i'll be lucky if i get a B. I'm so ticked. After that was drama. That was decent. During debate I did my 1AC but I only had six mintues to do it and cross X so there wasn't time for comments or anything so I have no idea how I did or anything. Grr. After co op we went to the library, I didn't really do anything, I helped Ruth find a couple things then we went home. Got home around two o'clock and I did... something. I know I did something. Lol, oh yes, I worked on something for the new 4-H secratary, Nina. Then I did the dishes, junk like that. At about 4:20 we finally left for practice, got stuck on the lane and got to practice ten minutes late, which would have been ok, except we had all the balls so the other girls couldn't even start practicing. I fell asleep on the way there and woke up with a headache, which lasted the rest of the day. We left basketball and went to the 4-H meeting. There were ten people there, including me. It was extremely sad. We left there around 8 and got home, watched the amazing race finale (linzes won, which was cool) and went to bed.
Wednsday is today, we didn't do much of anything. I practice songs for about two hours, lol, since I didn't have anything to study for and then came out and wrote Nathanael an email. (I'll tell who he is and stuff in a minute)
After a while Mom and Ruth came home from Attica and said if we wanted to go see narnia again tonight we could, so we scrounged up our moneys and got to go, it was so not as good the second time. Lol, Sarah said it was way better but I thought the first time was the best. I actually cried and at one point found myself not breathing. Lol
Anyways, about Nathanael. We were in Debate and Mrs. Doerr was telling us who our partners were. She partnered me up with Chris, neither of us wanted to be partnered with each other and we were both like "umm... Well... We'll talk about it... umm.." lol so it was kinda funny, and later that day mrs. doerr partnered me up with Nathanael instead, he was in gym with me last year so I at least knew who he was. He's in the advanced debate class, which kinda scares me but it's also pretty cool. Then I found out Chris got Sam. He's not too happy about that and I got ticked at him and he got ticked at me and now he's ticked at me and I'm sorry and it's very confuzzling. Lol.
Oh my! I'm going through my old files, I can't believe I saved this stuff on the computer! It's like way personal stuff. Lol... that anyone could get into... scary. I'm gonna go now, tomorrow I have to cheer so I better get some sleep. later


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