Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I didn't think it was possible.
Perhaps I should tell what exaclty it was that I didn't think was possible. A couple things. First, I didn't think it was possible for me to like (much less love) debate. Lol, I hated it up until friday and after my first speech I was pretty much hooked. I hope I'm allowed to do it next year. Nathanael said he wanted me to be his partner so there wouldn't be the prob of getting stuck with someone bad/someone I don't like.
Second, I didn't think it was possible for C. to be so GRR! He thinks he knows everything there is to know about speech and debate and I know nothing and it ticks me off. I got THREE first speakers, which, btw, is MORE than he got. Although he still got ranked higher... I guess high ranking judges or something. But he WALKED OUT while Rachael and I were doing our speech. i can't believe he did that. Ugh. Anywho,
Third, I didn't know it was possible to dislike someone as much as I dislike Lorne. ROAR!!!! He was showing on at practice so he kept messing up. It was pretty obvious who'd been practicing and who HADN'T been practicing, though no one else knows that because Lorne's been doing it for so much longer than me they all think he's right, and he's NOT. *smoke coming out of ears* I just really really dislike him. It might be bad enough that I don't do snare. Part of the prob last night was niether Preston or Michael was there. It also doesn't help that Lorne stole drum sargent. Grr. Lol, anyways, I'm done. Speech and debate went really well, Rach and I think we got 4th in duo. I'm gonna go now, got some emails and stuff. Laters


Blogger Andrew said...

Hehe, your hooked on debate!! i was wondering when you would come around, heh, about Lorne.......no comment

Tuesday, 24 January, 2006  
Blogger Hannah said...

".......no comment" Lol. Everyone else thinks he's sweet, so it's prolly just me. Laters

Wednesday, 25 January, 2006  

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