Sunday, July 01, 2007


Well now. I don't exactly remember when the last time I blogged was, but it's been a while. Minnesota was fine, conference was alright, and camp was amazing. I learned a great many things at camp... Lobbying, persuasive writing, etc. Excellent classes from Mr. Barry Sheets. I also learned that a hug and a phone number makes me someone's girlfriend... Who'd have known? So I apparently got a boyfriend on... Friday, maybe, and broke up with him yesterday when he called and mentioned that he'd never had a girlfriend before and I replied with "I'm not your girlfriend." Poor guy. Right now I'm at my grandparents' house having lunch with my family. I'm also very sleepy... I think I might take a nap today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hannah,

I'm glad you had a good time at camp. You and your sisters made my time there a lot of fun. It was really great for me to have someone from back home come to camp and share the experience with me. I hope that I helped make your time at camp fun as well.

As to the lessons learned, I guess you learned a little bit more about life in addition to the writing lessons, eh? With boys and girls desperate for attention from a pretty member of the opposite gender, it dosen't take much for them to start pursueing you in a romantic fashion. Even something as simple as a hug or a look in their direction, can have them fantasize about being a "couple" with you. The key thing to remember when you're in that situation is being aware of how much is too much when it comes to being friendly. In 1st Timothy 5:1-2, the Bible encourages us to treat older men as fathers, younger men as brothers, and older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, "with all purity." I continue to learn and re-learn this srcipture with every time that I interact with people. I hope that this lesson will help you the next time such a situation comes up in your life again. Sorry if I sound preachy (as I usually do), I just thought I'd give you a scripture to help you out.

Hopefully, I'll talk to you soon...

Take care...

Your friend,

Aaron Morrison

Sunday, 01 July, 2007  

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