Monday, June 11, 2007


Days are so weird... Today was cram packed with stuff. The big thing is that I need to figure out when it's time to say something and when it's time to shut up. Normally I just shut up about everything and complain about it to friends, but this time something needs to be done. I am the drum major, and with that comes not only the glory of pictures in the newspaper and respect (most of the time), it also comes with the responsibility to know when to step up and be in control. When to know when things are totally inappropriate or when I'm just thinking it's too much. I have a board meeting Wednesday. My director already hates me at this point... Right now I think I'm down to "boy" which is not a good place to be at. If I'm lucky he'll respect me for stepping up and being the bad guy for my corp, but most likely I'll just make him hate me more. So today basically stinks. I mean, I had a lot of fun with Jr. Leaders and it went down that I'm going to the Jr. Leader Conference next week, but this issue with my corp will not get off my mind. Many other things are also going on in my life.
Things such as I talked to Rachael today about what love means and if she thinks there one person who's your "destiny" and found that my views on that are actually quite similar to hers, which was nice because I thought I had crazy radical ideas that no one else agreed with.
So things are at both a high and low. Tomorrow is Tuesday, which is exciting. Wednesday I have a date with... Trouble, I think. Thursday I'm going to Minnesota. *sigh*

"Love is like the frosting. It's like the sugar in the cake"--Rachael in reference to relationships. It takes a lot more than simple love. I think I figured out a lot of my life today.


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