Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Three things

Firstly, six months is both a very long time and a very short time. Just figured I'd throw that one out there. Second, if you don't need to have your phone on silent, why not leave the ringer on? If you don't you might miss important calls because you're sleeping. Three, the sunrise is stinking amazing.
Audrey's over, at my grandparents. We were going to have a movie marathon type deal, but stupid stuff was happening with my parents and by the time we figured out what we were doing it was... like 10:30. anywho, we did watch three movies, the whole point of her coming over was so we could watch Elizabethtown and when I turned it on she remembered that she'd already seen it with Tracie=P That was sad. Anywho, we watched a movie and then I gave her bangs. That was scary. She trimmed my hair as well and I don't know if I like it yet... Anywho, we also dyed our hair this strange purple color that will wash out in about a week. I like it. It didn't show up on my much but it's working much better now. Anywho, watched movies and then we caught the sunrise which was -amazing-. Nearly fell asleep watching or "scary" movie, so after it was over we crashed. That was around 7:30. At 8:30 I missed a call that I really -really- didn't want to miss, because my ringer was off. I turned it on, but I'm not going to get another call so it would be pointless. Anyways, Audrey's getting done with what she's doing so I ought so go.


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