Friday, June 01, 2007


I feel the need to post. I'm feeling very... strange tonight, which isn't entirely strange... Lol. Graduation. Moving on from high school. Not even necessarily graduation from high school, but also from other things. Some people say you "graduated from diapers" or you "graduated to solid food". Then there's all the school that you do. So much of your childhood spent on learning things, so that you can grow up and find something you want to do, and forget everything you learned that you don't need for that something. Graduation from high school is a bit different. People move away, they go to colleges. Some people don't, and they sit around at home not knowing what to do with their lives. What of the people who aren't moving away and already know what they want to do? How easy is it for them? I imagine that it would be terribly easy, but I'm sure it's not. Graduation being the moving on from high school is scary. Moving on from anything you've done for any length of time is scary. What of when your friends are graduating? It's not only scary for the person receiving the diploma, but also for their friends. They don't know what's going to happen, or if their high school friends will just slip into the past. You'd like to think that would never happen, especially with some people, but you never know. You like to think that you'll be friends forever, but that's not a guaranteed thing in this life. I suppose all you can do is try to stay in contact even after they've moved on without you, and trust that they love you enough to remember. You'll follow pretty soon.
It happens so often that I don't know what I'm going to type until I've done it. How was I to know that all those thoughts were swirling in my head, waiting to be let out?


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