Monday, May 07, 2007

My insane drama week

I have much to report. Starts out on Sunday: I called Andrew and we were talking about cast parties and how much certain people helped with the play. So we decided it would be a good idea to have everyone in class give us some money and we would buy everyone who went above and beyond expectations a present. We had it all figured out, and Monday night we went to Wal Mart to pick things. Spent about an hour there and figured out what all we were getting. Tuesday we had play practice from 8 in the morning until after 1 in the afternoon. That was crazy, but we did make it through the first scene without stopping and it went relatively well, which was encouraging. Wednesday was a dress rehearsal. That was interesting. Practiced the play, ran through it on the stage at the Wesley Foundation and it was not good at all. It was a rather bad practice, especially considering one of the characters wasn't there. We also had to put a ton of stuff in this "attic" or else we would have had no backstage at all. Then there was archery. Thursday was Share the Fun, so we cleaned things and then people came over. John got to sign the wall so that was nice. I was very very happy to have my people here. Both our acts won at Share the Fun, and we actually did the flagpole too, which was random. Friday was the first day of the play.
We went in in the morning... I went in with Dad so I could use the car, and went to Hobby Lobby. First, no one told me they moved Hobby Lobby since last I was there so it was very bad. I did end up finding it though. Wandered around there and found that their candles were 50% off, and that's what Andrew and I had picked out, but these were a lot nicer, so I picked those. Then I bought some other random things that I needed for the play, and went to Wal-Mart to get flowers. While I was there I figured I'd pick up some Subway. No big deal, right? Wrong. I called Ruth to see if she wanted any, and she did. She told me what she wanted, Rachael told me what she wanted, and then Dale (The mic guy who came with the building, lol) wanted something too. Figured that out, I thought, and then they needed black duct tape, and about a million bottles of water. That was super stressful 'cause I was trying to find everything and I was already late to practice. Then got to Subway, with my cart and everything, went to order, and Dale's sandwitch was ridiculous. He wanted a meatball thing, and they didn't have enough, so I had to call and see if it was still ok, then I needed to know what all they wanted on everything because I didn't know Dale's preferences and Ruth's were different than I thought, so I finally got out of there and I felt like an idiot. I called John and talked to him a little 'cause I was going slightly insane, hung up with him to call Dad and make sure he had the programs done since I was almost back at work. They were not done. (Thursday night Ruth, Rachael, and I were also up -really- late making programs) So I tried to figure out how to get back to Purdue and got myself hopelessly lost. Called Rachael to try and figure out where I was and she said she'd just come and get me because I was breaking down. So I parked between State and King and just sat and cried for a while. Finally got back to the Wesley Foundation, I was at least an hour later than I was supposed to be, and everyone's food was gross. Put makeup on everyone, and finally got me fixed. Ran through scene changes because they were crazy slow, and disappeared backstage. We prayed before the play and I asked Andrew if I would mess up his cravat if I gave him a hug. He said "no, this one didn't take me hours to do!" so that was funny. It was then that I decided the poor fellow was quite nervous. Anywho, the play actually went quite well, and at the intermission Sarah sneaked snacks up for us. After the play was over, we shook hands and hugged about a million times with all the random people who were at the play, then hugged everyone who was in the play, and finally changed. Sabrina left her shirt over on the other side, so I went to fetch it and walked on on Aaron with no shirt and Andrew with no pants. Got a "Oh! Hi, Hannah!" lol, and I never did find poor Sabrina's shirt. I think someone found it later though after she borrowed Acaimie's for a while. Off to Dairy Queen. There I was wedged between Mickey and Daniel... Not my favorite place to be. So I ended up sitting on the back of the chair and scooting so I was more behind Sam. Left there something around 10 I think. Came home, did dishes, and fell asleep on the couch without meaning to.
Then Saturday started. Got up, showered, took Ruth to the Wesley Foundation. I think we were there at around 11 and then I went off to get something... I don't even remember what. Oh yes, the programs from Dad (we needed more) and then to drop the car with him so Rachael could pick me up (she had the SAT that morning) and Dad could go home. I got very very lost getting out of Purdue. Again. Had no idea where I was and spend 40 minutes driving around trying to get out. I again forgot my map so that was bad. Finally made it back to Lafayette Life where Rachael still wasn't there. Called her at around 1 and she had -just- gotten out of her test. So she didn't know what was going on, I was unable to buy the stuff I needed to get because she came to get me right then so we could go have lunch with the Sabrina and her family. Left there with what we thought was plenty of time, but we went this insane way so we ended up actually being about half an hour late again. Things went much more smoothly on Saturday. Much. Everyone knew what kind of makeup they needed (except for Andrew because they said his was bad on Friday...) so it was a lot easier. We ran scene changes again, and disappeared backstage again. They play was apparently amazing on Saturday, even though neither Sabrina or I felt it, so that was strange. Andrew said a little something after the play about how amazing Ruth was, and we went off to shake hands and hug again. After that we took about a million pictures and had to load everything into cars. Left the Wesley Foundation at around... 10:30 and went to DQ again. We could only be there for a little while because they closed at 11:00, but after we got done I got in a bit of an ice war with Caitlyn, Trevor's little sister. Good times. Andrew, Sabrina, and I also stayed in costume for DQ. I must say I don't know how I ended up being invited to join in this venture, I suppose everyone else was too but I was the only one crazy enough to actually do it with them. Went home something around 11:15 where I fell asleep almost immediately in the car, but woke up to do a lot of dishes when I got home.
Sunday was the cast party, and was that every awesome. I didn't go to church, the reason being I already had a really bad headache and that place where we're meeting right now gives me one so I think my head might have exploded... Anyways, went to Attica and got stuff for Ruth that I was unable to get on Saturday, and we left for the cast party. That was totally amazing. At around 5:45 we called people in to give them their thank yous, and since Andrew and I were in charge, we did the talking. So he came out and yelled at everyone to shut up because "Hannah has something to say!" and I'm like oh great, thanks. Lol. So I was like "Well last week I called Andrew and we were talking about--" At this point, Mr. Catron jumps in and says "You're getting married?!" That got laughs and we're like "Yes, we're getting married, that's -exactly- what we were going to say." So we gave people their stuff, and Mr. Catron again came out and said something about how one of the actors was nervous about something in the play... He came out with this shotgun and Andrew went running. It was very funny. Basically there was this joke that Mr. Catron was going to shoot Andrew at the end of the play because of the slightly romantic scene he has with Sabrina. So he (being Andrew) left at 6, but actually came back because we were there so stinkin' late. People didn't leave until about 11:30 and we stayed to clean stuff up. I found during the time of this play a few things: We as a group like praying together, it's really nice. I gave out and got more hugs than ever with that group, especially from Andrew and Sam, who are not very huggy people in general. I found that I really really like Sabrina a lot. I knew I liked her, but I didn't realize how well we got along until this weekend. I found that I'll -really- miss the seniors who won't be back, especially Andrew. The others came later, but Andrew was my opposite the first year we had a high school drama class, and it'll be really weird without him. I don't know what I'll do when Sam graduates, I was in class with him before there was a high school class! I guess I'm graduating before him, so it won't be so bad. Sabrina's out next year and that's awfully sad.
So the play is over, four people will for sure not be back next year. *tear* Ok. It's alright, because I'll see them all sometime. I'm just attempting to figure out how to end this post... Another drama year is gone. I'm glad for a summer, but I sure hope Ruth gets going on next year sometime before it's here!


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