Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Sometimes I wonder if I'm worth it.
If I'm worth the pain it took
To bring me into the world.
Or worth the time taken
To make sure I didn't die
While I was too little to take care of myself.
Or the money it takes
Every day
To take care of me and make me happy.
I sometimes wonder if it's worth it
To listen to me cry
And listen to me yell and scream.
Does the laughter make it ok?
Is it worth it
For people to wait for me
To figure out what's going on in my life?
I sometimes wonder if I'm worth waiting for.
I sometimes wonder if it's worth it
To be there for me
When I'm so rarely there for you.
When I give you the silent treatment.
Does it work the same both ways?
It's totally worth it when you scream at me.
Just because I know in the back of your mind
You're thinking "I love you."
Am I worth it?
Am I worth all the pain and trials and tears
When all you get is a silent "I love you, too"
Maybe spoken if you're lucky.
Is it worth it to try and figure out the deeper meaning of my thoughts?
Like the fact that this one isn't about what it seems?
Not really.
Am I worth anything?
I know I'm worth something,
Jesus died for me.
He would have even if it had been -just me-
But humanly speaking,
Am I worth your wait?


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