Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Games and stuff

Ok, so last night junior girls and guys had their first game.
Girl's game: It was tight all the way, nine seconds left, score was 13-15, their lead, their posession. So we pretty much figured we were gonna lose, but we were still gonna try, so dad calls a time out, and tells us man to man full court press. We do that, and this girl from the other team goes up with this perfect shot... Right into OUR basket! So then it was tied, 15-15, I think we could have made another shot, but everyone was so confused I didn't know I was supposed to take it out, lol, so we went into overtime, three minutes more. We scored, they scored, we scored. Game over, we won:). I feel soooo sorry for the girl who shot into our basket though.
The ref's were scary, the one guy was ok, but he was still kinda scary, I guess you had to be there, but then there was a lady ref, so I was already scared of her since the last one we had was TERRIBLE, so I'm like oh great, another girl, this is gonna be bad. Then, I find out this creepy lady is gay so I'm double scared of her, then she made me mad. Lol, I have never gotten mad in a game before but I got MAD at this game, it was really weird. Anywho, I started, that was cool. Starters were Liz Lee, Liz Davey, Melissa, me, and Abby. That left Maria, Katie, and Sabrina on the bench (they did get in later though, poor Katie got in for like two minutes:-p)
After the game, I got changed, got some food, then yelled for the poor quiet JV cheerleaders, it was so funny, they were doing "awesome" when the other team got the ball and crazy stuff, it was neat. They were having fun though, so. They were also very nervous poor things, it was their first game cheering so. Anywho, I got home, watched the amazing race, worked on homework, and cleaned part of my room. I was cleaning out my bag, the one that had my basketball stuff in it, and I took my stuff out that I had been wearing during the game, and it was WET, I mean I thought something had been spilled on them but there wasn't anything in there TO spill, so I guess I sweat a lot more than I thought I did. Weird.
Boy's game: We lost. Bad. Cheerleaders were cute, but the game was pretty sad. Lol, poor guys, they try so hard and I don't think they have only won like three game ever in their two year exhistence.
Today: Today I am at home, working on homework and lookng for a picture that I've taken to see if it's good enough to enter in a contest. Just a little while ago mom had us all go and clean stuff because a cop might be comeing later, because our mail is like disapearing. We've lost two credit cards and a check that were supposed to come in the mail, and sarah's missed all her bills. It's weird, so people think maybe someone is taking the mail after it gets put in our box. So the cop's gonna come and talk to people or something.
I think today would be a really great kite flying day, too bad I have so much homework I don't really have time to do that. I was supposed to call audrey back last night but the phone was upstairs and it was kinmda later and I figured I might get in trouble if I went and got it so. I'll call her tonight if I don't go to the fife and drum board meeting. (I'm not on the board, but I'm assistant drum major so I might as well get used to goign to them, I have to go when Rachael's out)
This is a huge post, I think, so I'm going to go now. Mom's vacuuming the... kitchen? Lol, yes, she is vacuuming the kitchen floor. Lol, Rachael's doing some lord of the rings thing on the computer, james is probably cleaning his room or something, mom told him to do that, and when I go I'll be doing homework and cleaning my room. Anywho, not a lot more to day here. Oh, except sorry, audge for being ticked at you, I was in a weird mood and I love you:)


Blogger Leslie said...

i love you too! =)

Wednesday, 09 November, 2005  

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