Friday, August 19, 2005

Fluff and nonsense

So today I got up, took a shower then did my chores. Then I mowed the grass for half an hour-forty five minutes and was melting so I cam eback in. Jon was on, he got sent home from school because he was sick... again. Lol. Now I'm talking to Chris. And Alissa now. :-p Not a lot else has happened... played Solitare and listened to my book. I'm getting far in it, I'm almost done. After I get done with it I'll read (yes, I'll actually read) a book. It's the third in the series. I thought the first one was bad, and then they made a movie about it and I told all my friends it was questionable, but then I reread it and it really wasn't that bad. It was good writing. So i might see the movie sometime. With Ruth I think. I need like 25 dollars for sat. but the only way to get it is the break into my change jar.... My saving money. I was savin it for a car, but so far I have 27 dollars and it'll take forever so I might just give up. Lol. Going now, ttyl.


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