Wednesday, October 25, 2006


yeah... wrote this last night after I did not get the part of Margarite. Sabrina will be awesome at it and this is kinda lame but it's how I felt so here it is.

I'm suffering
from a broken heart.
Trying to get past the pain

This isn't a guy.
It's really lame.
It's actually a play.

A part I wanted
more than anything
and wasn't good enough to have.

It hurts to be
left with the scraps.
Fifteen lines in two hours.

Really crushing
for a girl
who wants to be an actress.

I prayed about this
every night
for three weeks in a row.

Asking God
to give me this
the part written for me.

I guess I'll be
asking again
for God to help me accept

that I didn't
get the part.
That I might as well give up.

I should have gotten
my hopes up so high
when I knew they would be crushed.

I'm suffering
from a broken heart.
There's nothing left to gain.

Co op, Drama: did not get the part I wanted. The one I wanted more than I've ever wanted anything. I let out three tears in class and needed lots of hugs. =P Then I held it in until five hours later when I called Audrey and cried for like half an hour straight. Then basketball which was hard enough to make me forget about it for an hour. I feel like a brat, lol. I'm just trying to get over it.


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